Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tennestralia - Pre Departure Notes

Passport, check. Visa, check. Plane ticket, check. I think I've got everything taken care of, but I'm probably wrong.

This pre-departure period of my life is driving me nuts. I'm anxious, scared, and excited, and I bet all of those emotions are common.

The worst part?

I really don't have much to do these days, and my boredom allows plenty of time to think about who I'll end up sitting with on the 14-hour flight (hopefully a cute college girl, but probably an overweight software engineer). I also pass time by thinking about what I'm going to do with my 18-hour layover in Sydney, how much stuff I can fit in my bag and what my housing situation is going to look like. At this point I don't know what or where I'll be eating .

None of this bothers me, really, but I would rather relax and not have any expectations at all. I think I'm ready to go. Knoxville is hot these days, and it's going to be mid-winter in the southern hemisphere. I'd really like to check out the ski slopes down there, partially because I want to do it, partially because I want to say I've done it, and partially to make my brother Adam and uncle Jack jealous.

I realize this is a rather short first entry, but I wanted to introduce myself before I left. Feel free to facebook me if you've got any thoughts, questions, or ideas about where I should go and what I should see.

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